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'Power of 2' by David J. Sharp

'Power of 2' by David J. Sharp
Our Price:  €29.99



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Full instructions and example pages are included.

Power of 2 enables anyone to make progress with their maths. The book is a coaching manual which allows anyone to deliver individual support. It teaches all the mental maths in the Mathematics Curriculum, and through its use enables pupils to access the full Maths Curriculum.

Power of 2 is essentially about putting in place the building blocks of number and developing skills with mental calculations.

It is ideal for anyone who benefits from repeated maths practice and is designed to appeal to all age ranges. The Power of 2 book has been used with students aged 8 and upwards, right up to adult basic skills.

The clear language and repetition benefits students with Dyslexia and those with English as an Additional language.

Students with Dyscalculia benefit from the highly structured approach with clear explanations.

Power of 2 begins with teaching number bonds to 10, and then moves on to introducing doubling, halving, addition and subtraction, rounding numbers, multiplying and dividing. It then introduces fractions and looks at worded problems and time.

Power of 2 has been found to work best when it is used 4 or 5 times a week, with each session lasting for about 10 to 15 minutes.

AGES: 8+

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